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Cyle Cabral Thomas was born and raised in the fifth generation of a Portuguese fishing family of Provincetown, Massachusetts on the tip of Cape Cod.

More and more, the shapes of the waterfront and the open ocean became a passion for him. Even as he left the sheltering arm of the Cape itself behind, he obtained a new understanding of the compelling power and the striking beauty of his home.

With these images in mind and these feelings seeking an expression, Cyle began experimenting in the art that would prove to be his true vocation. While continuing to work on the water during summers, Cyle completed a comprehensive education in goldsmithing and jewelry craft from the renowned North Bennett Street School in Boston.

"For the last 10 years, jewelry has been my passion’s main vessel, combining artistic expression, challenge, and drive to create unique objects with a distinct essence. Jewelry binds together challenging skills required to work with precious metals and gemstones at a micro scale with a 3D canvas available to freely sculpt observations of the world, both outside and inside .

My passion with jewelry started when the book “1000 Rings”, by Lark Books, fell into my hands. It sucked me into a world of whimsy, sculpture and creativity. I fell in love with the precious metals and the designs. A few years later, I would find myself signing up and completing an education in jewelry fabrication at the North Bennet Street School. I have been using jewelry as an outlet since.

Simple, elegant and beautiful has been my tag line since I started my business and I still seek to stay in that wheelhouse. My style is mostly minimal and contemporary in the sense that I focus on line work, negative space and metal work.”

“Now a resident of Canada, I have begun establishing my work in the beautiful city of Montréal.

“I truly believe there is something unique about every artist. Any artist has his or her own fingerprint that defines them and identifies them.

I would define myself as a particularly thoughtful artist in the sense that I take my time to think about all aspects of the piece, I care a lot about the quality of work I produce and I have a high level of attention to detail. When producing custom pieces, I even consider the person who will wear it, their energy, their passions, their style and the way they go about their day.

I once was told that I make beautiful jewelry that isn’t pretty and that really resonates with me because it speaks about wearing a piece of art, which goes beyond wearing a pretty shiny object.”


North Benne Street School - Jewelry Making and Repair 2013,
In addition CAD / 3D Printing


Métaux , Pierre


Bijoux – joaillerie- Orfèvrerie - Horlogerie - BAGUES - ARGENT ET OR
Bijoux – joaillerie- Orfèvrerie - Horlogerie - BAGUES - PIERRES PRÉCIEUSES ET SEMI-PRÉCIEUSES
Bijoux – joaillerie- Orfèvrerie - Horlogerie - BOUCLES D'OREILLES - ARGENT ET OR
Bijoux – joaillerie- Orfèvrerie - Horlogerie - BRACELETS ET MONTRES - ARGENT ET OR
Bijoux – joaillerie- Orfèvrerie - Horlogerie - COLLIERS, PENDENTIFS, BROCHES - ARGENT ET OR


620, rue Cathcart Montréal QC H3B 1M1 Canada Itinéraire